Javascript Quiz Game Script
We need help from an expert like you! Sometimes, programmers are required to be master detectives just to find out what's wrong with their codes. With that being said, you may just be the right person for this! Our system may be have been corrupted by a virus.
We're trying to recover some vital information about JavaScript! Can you lend a hand in retrieving these data? Help us remember the features and syntax associated with JavaScript! We might need basic knowledge on this one too!
Description: 'This self-grading JavaScript Quiz will allow your visitors to test their knowledge of a subject related to your site. And not only does this script.
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 X86 X64 on this page. This object can show and process a trivia questions game. It can retrieve the list of questions from JSON or XML files from the server using AJAX requests. Please review the code quality of this JavaScript Quiz App. Some time ago i wrote a script like this that. Tagged javascript game or ask.
Do you know of its history? Who developed JavaScript? When and where did it start? If you can you get them all right, then let us take these challenging quizzes together! This will surely test the volatility of your memory.
Start compiling new data and facts when you take on the Javascript quizzes!
A general thought is that you could always store the correct answer first, and then show the possible answers in a random manner to make your code more DRY. Furthermore: • Since you do not use the id anywhere, you can leave this out: ' id='choice' + (i + 1) + • You could put scoreContainer.textContent = 'Score: ' + score + ' right answers out of ' + quiz.length + ' possible.' ; into it's own function which you could call from askQuestion() so that you do not need to repeat this with scoreContainer.textContent = 'Score: 0 right answers out of ' + quiz.length + ' possible.' ; • Caching the elements is good • JSHint cannot complain about anything • checkAnswer has too much UI state management, it ought to just check the answer. • complited ->completed • Something to think about, finalResults could have read the HTML from a hidden DIV and simply filled in the missing parts. Now you are maintaining HTML in JavaScript which is rarely a good idea.
All in all, I like this code. Just some teeny things: Store the lengths of the arrays in a variable when referencing inside the for loops. This way the functions will only check for the lengths once instead of on each iteration. Function askQuestion() { var choices = quiz[currentQuestion].choices, choicesHtml = ', choicesLength = choices.length; // loop through choices, and create radio buttons for (var i = 0; i.