The Inseminator Game Cheats
Canton Patch Mugshots on this page. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Enter the Matrix for Xbox. Mlb The Show 13 Pc more. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please. Agent Busting This works on levels where bottomless pits are available (like falling off a skyscraper).
The trick is knock Agents off buildings, if they manage to grab the edge simply shoot them a few times and Agents will attempt to dodge. Instead, they tend to let go of the ledge and fall off. Fighting Agent Smith There is a way to put down Agent Smith permanently rather then just knock him out. In any level where you have to run from Smith, chuck some grenades and goad the rogue agent into running towards the explosions.
It takes 3 to 4 grenade hits to take him out but Smith will definitely be dead after 4 hits. This is not recommended for the level 'The Skyscraper' because there's a high chance you will blow yourself off the building. Shortcut Instead of typing in Yes or No you can simply type the letters Y or N. It saves time if you have several lines of code to enter. See Revolutions Trailer Beat the game to see a sneak peek of The Matrrix: Revolutions.
Dispense Powerade Go to any of the Powerade machines you see in the game and press the Action button to dispense a beverage. Cheat Warning If you are having problems with your game freezing up on you, make sure you are not playing with any cheats enabled. The game has been known to lock up (Airport Level is a good example), when certain cheats (All Guns cheat especially) are employed. Hear Message From Morpheus Go to the Hacking menu and tyep LOGIN. When that selection appears on the Command List, move over to LOGIN and click it. Login as COWBOYCURTIS or FREEMIND to unlock Morpheus samples.
Play Insectonator Hacked. Insectonator is a fun stress leaving game after a shitty day at work. Use different weapons and kill as many bugs as you can. Kill certain.
Press the numbers indicated to hear the samples. Cheat List Go into the Hacking system, and enter cheat.exe at the A>prompt to unlock the cheat menu.
Enter these numeric codes to unlock the corresponding function: • All weapons 0034AFFF (thanks to mike)• Bonus level 13D2C77F• Invisibility FFFFFFF1• Faster Logos 7867F443• Infinite ammo 1DDF2556• Infiite focus 69E5D9E4• Infinite Health 7F4DF451• Recover Focus Fast FFF0020A• Enemies can't hear 4516DF45 • Enemies can't see FFFFFFF1• Turbo mode FF00001A• Faster Logos 7867F443 • Multiplayer D5C55D1E Console Only)• Low gravity BB013FFF Console Only)• Taxi Driving 312MF451 Console Only) Want to know more about these codes? Then please read the FAQs.
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