Getfeatureinfo Template Mapserver
Farm Frenzy Viking Heroes Full. Billa 2009 Full Mo In Hindi. • • WMS services support a series of operations, such as GetCapabilities, GetMap, GetStyles, and so on, which allow client applications to work with the service by appending parameters to the service's URL. The GetFeatureInfo operation works in the same manner and is designed to return the attributes of features queried in a map in various formats such as HTML, XML, and plain text. For example, the following is a GetFeatureInfo request along with its response in the default HTML format: Request Response In many cases, the default HTML, XML, or plain text response is appropriate, but there may be a situation when you want to customize the response format or schema to execute specific business logic. For example, for interoperability reasons, you might want to get the feature information back in a standard schema such as GML or GeoJSON. XSLT templates Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) templates are a way of generating readable output from a WMS GetFeatureInfo response. For example, when you send a WMS GetFeatureInfo request to the server, the server responds with the requested features in XML format. The XSLT template then does the work of 'translating' the XML into a specified format, such as HTML or plan text, which makes the final response readable.